Category Archive: Uncategorized

The Fun House

The Fun House

Visually stimulating is a vast understatement. When I got the description of this house in an assignment from the Statesman, my imagination went crazy trying to …


Time to Run

Time to Run

I went out to Lockhart High School a few weeks back for the Statesman to capture the boys cross country team coach, Scott Hippensteel, and …




Last week Terra Nova Digital Audio, Inc. celebrated it’s 20th year in business.  Also, my husband, Nick Landis, celebrated his 1,000th project with Terra Nova. There …


Behind the Tiara

Behind the Tiara

I covered three events leading up to the Miss Kyle pageant.  The first was a summer mingle open house, the second was the pageant dress …


The emotion of winning

The emotion of winning

I shoot a lot of competitions this time of year, but most of them involve sweaty guys on a grass field or kids with live …


Fire Fest

Fire Fest

Last weekend I went out to Buda Fire Fest.  I couldn’t stay long because I had a couple of other things to shoot that day, …


Where the goal posts don’t matter

Where the goal posts don’t matter

Saturday I spent the day shooting youth football.  I’ll be out there every weekend this season, capturing moments and emotions that are unique to this …


Urban Nature

Urban Nature

Today I’m preparing for the Lakewood Summer Arts Faire.  It’s in Dallas this weekend and I will be sharing a booth with ceramicist (and my …


Going down town

Going down town

Last weekend I made a trip up to Dallas to do some shooting for a couple of art shows I’ll be participating in up there.  …


From the archives – Presidential visit

From the archives – Presidential visit

President Barack Obama made a visit to Austin today.  This time I wasn’t fortunate enough to be there, but it made me think about the …