Category Archive: Family

Posts about my family

At Home with Johnny Ray Watson

At Home with Johnny Ray Watson

A few weeks ago I went out to Bastrop to the home of gospel singer Johnny Ray Watson for the Austin American-Statesman. Watson has been singing …


Fireworks in the Rain

Fireworks in the Rain

During this year’s Memorial Day holiday I was in Dallas visiting family. We had a get together at my uncle Jeff’s house and we spent some …


New Mexico

New Mexico

At the beginning of February I took a week long trip with my in-laws to New Mexico. When we were thinking about Christmas presents last year …


2012 – News & Features

2012 – News & Features

Here’s the next installment of Ashley’s year in review.  This time it’s news and features. Like I said in my last post, it’s impossible to rank …


2012 Review – Portraits

2012 Review – Portraits

Well, it’s that time of year.  Time to look back on the work I’ve done and choose my favorites for the “Year in Review” posts. I’m …


Happy Halloween!

Happy Halloween!

Happy Halloween everybody! It’s been a busy week for me, so I’m going to keep this short.  My husband, Nick, and I like to participate in …


Action Bocce

Action Bocce

You know those times when you get together with friends over a weekend celebration and things get silly?  Then they escalate from silly to downright …


Bringing in 30 with a Bang

Bringing in 30 with a Bang

My husband, Nick, turned 30 on Friday. The past few months have been rough to say the least, with a death in the family, craziness at …


Family Photos

Family Photos

Professional photographers like me like to think that what we’re shooting is incredibly important.  So important that there could never be a more important photo …


My Grammy weekend

My Grammy weekend

Before you ask, no, I didn’t have a press pass. In fact, I had to sneak in a point and shoot camera, which will explain the …