Monthly Archives: September 2009

Making the Move

Making the Move

Texas State senior volunteer Chris Jones (left) carries a mini refrigerator down to the first floor of Laurel Hall on Thursday for Tim Whisenant (right) …


Bubble Fun

Bubble Fun

Nathan Rodriguez, 8, climbs into a giant, inflatable bubble during the Boys and Girls Club’s Kids Day at Sewell Park. This was a fun assignment.  I …


Triple Salute

Triple Salute

Army Reserve PV2 Chris Rodriguez, Army Reserve Staff Sgt. Heather Kerns and National Guard Spc. Charles Steen salute as planes fly overhead the Hays Juvenile …


Immunization Apprehension

Immunization Apprehension

Belinda Geesaman (right) tries to comfort her son Josiah, 5, as he sits in an exam room waiting for one of three immunization shots at …