© 2010 Ashley Landis firefest0023

Fire Fest

Last weekend I went out to Buda Fire Fest.  I couldn’t stay long because I had a couple of other things to shoot that day, but as usual, it was a great time.

The main attraction at Fire Fest is the area where fire fighters from all over the state compete in training exercises, what they call the Firefighter Challenge.

First they carry a 2 1/2 in. hose pack to the top of a four-story tower.

Then they hoist a 2 1/2 in. hose roll to the top of the tower.

After descending from the tower, firefighters advance a 1 3/4 inch charged hose line for 75 feet.  Then they drive a 160 pound steel beam five feet using a nine pound mallet.

And finally, they drag a 165 pound Rescue Randy mannequin  backwards 75 feet to the finish line.  (Shown at the top)

All of these obstacles are typical training exercises – and all of them are extremely difficult – but I guess making a competition out of it makes it fun.

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