© 2010 Ashley Landis Lockhart0686Landis

Time to Run

I went out to Lockhart High School a few weeks back for the Statesman to capture the boys cross country team coach, Scott Hippensteel, and the top runner, Nate Moore.  LHS has won 22 consecutive district cross country championships.

I got there about 7 a.m., when the team was warming up in the gym.  Hippensteel came in and showed me around to an athletic office that was geared more toward track than football – what you’d expect in a small Texas town.  They had a clock with neon letters that read, “Time to Run.”  Hippensteel said a former student custom made the clock for the office.

We went out to the track just as the sun peaked over the horizon and the team started running.  Here are a couple shots I got during practice:

Lockhart High School’s top runner, Nate Moore, changes his shoes after Tuesday morning practice.

Lockhart High School Cross Country Coach Scott Hippensteel reviews runner times during Tuesday morning practice.

Nate Moore (center) and the rest of the Lockhart High School cross country team run around the track during Tuesday morning practice.

Just as it was starting to warm up, it was time to head back inside to the weight room for more training.

Lockhart High School Cross Country Coach Scott Hippensteel illustrates how the cross country team’s training is like a tractor pull on Tuesday in the weight room.  Hippensteel said the harder they have to back off of training as they get close to competition to the runners’ legs will feel fresh.

Lockhart High School’s top runner, Nate Moore, leads the cross country team in jumping jacks in the weight room on Tuesday.

Before I left I made sure to get a photo of Hippensteel and Moore together with that great clock.

Here’s the story: http://bit.ly/aeuFww

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