© 2010 Ashley Landis snail5465

Urban Nature

Today I’m preparing for the Lakewood Summer Arts Faire.  It’s in Dallas this weekend and I will be sharing a booth with ceramicist (and my sister-in-law) Megan Landis.

In my last post I showed you some cityscapes I shot for this show and another one coming up in October.  While I was in Dallas shooting, I wanted to capture some of the area’s most well-known places.  Other than the skyline and the down town area, White Rock Lake and the Dallas Arboretum came to mind.

White Rock Lake is a place where a lot of locals like to go to walk, run, bike and boat.  I was out shooting on a very still, hot day and there weren’t very many sailors on the water.  In fact, the only sailor I saw was this guy:

I got a couple of shots at the lake then headed over to the Arboretum.  I wasn’t sure what to expect because it was the middle of August and the forecast was 102 degrees.  It wasn’t the best weather for flowers, but that just made me look a little harder.

There were a lot of little sprinklers that popped up every few minutes to help keep the plants green.  There were also a lot of spider webs in bushes.  It made for a great combination that I couldn’t help but try to capture.  The photo above was one of my favorites from the day.  I actually shot it from under the bush, looking up through the spider web.

I saw the snail at the top of the page while shooting a fern.  I looked to my left and there he was, watching me take photos.

It’s been fun shooting things I wouldn’t normally shoot and doing art shows that are outside of my expertise.  And when I get back next week, it’s back to football season!

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