Category Archive: Photo 101

Photography tips and tricks and where I learned them

High Flyin’

High Flyin’

On my last post I told you about the mishaps I had at the Texas Relays on Friday, but I didn’t talk about the pictures. I …


Texas Relay mishaps

Texas Relay mishaps

That’s me at the top of the post.  That’s the only photo for today.  I wanted to post some shots I got at the Texas …


Hipstamatic throw down

Hipstamatic throw down

Every few months I meet my friend, Nan Dickson, in Salado and we go with our cameras out to the home of Lonnie Edwards. Lonnie collects …


Flashing in Bastrop

Flashing in Bastrop

Occasionally when I haven’t shot in a couple of days and Nick has been stuck in the studio for a while, we like to go …


RAW Tips

RAW Tips

As I promised in previous posts, here is something I learned from Scott Kelby out of his 7-step editing process. This tip helped me work my …


Goofy Lighting and Great Friends

Goofy Lighting and Great Friends

The best part of any photo conference, seminar, panel discussion or general get together is meeting new friends and seeing friends that you haven’t seen …


Meeting Scott Kelby

Meeting Scott Kelby

At the conference over the weekend, I got to meet the Photoshop guru and founder of Photoshop World Magazine, Scott Kelby. He spoke twice, once about …




Over the weekend I attended the Southwestern Photojournalism Conference in Ft. Worth. This was my third year to go and I always feel like I’ve learned …


Urban Nature

Urban Nature

Today I’m preparing for the Lakewood Summer Arts Faire.  It’s in Dallas this weekend and I will be sharing a booth with ceramicist (and my …


He taught me how to drive-by

He taught me how to drive-by

Well, he didn’t teach me, but he certainly facilitates it.  Nick, my husband, always drives when we travel.  And I always bring a camera.  This …