© 2011 Ashley Landis SWPJC6013

Goofy Lighting and Great Friends

The best part of any photo conference, seminar, panel discussion or general get together is meeting new friends and seeing friends that you haven’t seen in a while.

Billy and Alicia Calzada fall in to the latter category.  I reached out to them a few years ago when I was in need of a photo mentor.  I had no idea they were the kind of people who would go out of their way to help.  They’ve helped many young photographers grow and guided them in to great careers.

In the photo above, they pose for a photo being lit by 2 cell phones and small LED lights on either side of a pair of reading glasses.  Here are the results of that impromptu creative lighting display:

It was so nice to see both of them and to meet other photographers in all stages of their careers.

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