© 2011 Ashley Landis photo-7-2

Hipstamatic throw down

Every few months I meet my friend, Nan Dickson, in Salado and we go with our cameras out to the home of Lonnie Edwards.

Lonnie collects everything.  Everything.  His property is a feast for the eyes, but it can be overwhelming.  It’s always a challenge to capture what we see there because there’s just so much.

Nan describes it as a visual exercise.  She says it helps her kind of evaluate a situation and pick out the things she wants to focus on.

We went out to Lonnie’s for a little while, then had some lunch.  At lunch we got in to a conversation about photography iPhone apps and before we knew it, we were in an iPhone photo challenge.  I proposed we take half an hour of our afternoon (though it turned out to be much longer) and only shoot with our phones.  It was a fun challenge because we not only had to single out a good situation, but we had to use a small fixed lens and we were limited to our app settings.  We both used the Hipstamatic camera app because it has a few more options than some of the others.

Here are some of my favorites:

In the end, we both got great shots and were able to stretch our composition muscles and our visual limits.

Click here to visit Nan’s blog.

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