© 2011 Ashley Landis SWPJC5946

Meeting Scott Kelby

At the conference over the weekend, I got to meet the Photoshop guru and founder of Photoshop World Magazine, Scott Kelby.

He spoke twice, once about blogging and once about Photoshop photo processing.  My dad has been a fan for a while and we were both glad to hear Kelby speak.  Here’s a shot of my dad and me with Scott Kelby (I know, we’re big photo geeks!).

One thing I learned was that I should blog more regularly, so I’m going to try to keep that up.  Also, I learned some photo tips that I will share in future blog posts.

If you’ve never heard about Scott Kelby’s 7-point editing process, you need to learn it!  I was already doing steps 1-5, but steps 6 and 7 were brand new to me and make a huge difference when you’re working in RAW.  Such time savers!  Again, I’ll post some tips in future blogs, so be looking for it!

For more info on what he’s up to, visit Scott Kelby’s blog here: www.scottkelby.com