© 2009 Ashley Landis memorialday

Triple Salute

Army Reserve PV2 Chris Rodriguez, Army Reserve Staff Sgt. Heather Kerns and National Guard Spc. Charles Steen salute as planes fly overhead the Hays Juvenile Center during a Veterans Day ceremony.

I posted this one today because it’s September 11, 2009, eight years after the September 11 attacks.

This photo was the result of denied access.  I was invited to come to a Veterans Day ceremony at the Hays Juvenile Detention Center.  A representative came to the office a week before hand and told us that it would be a great ceremony and all of the kids at the center would be participating, with veterans there as well.  I got there and the ceremony was out on the lawn in front of the building.  All of the kids were filed out in straight lines and a few of them started to unfold a flag to be posted.

I started snapping away and then someone told me that I wasn’t allowed to take photos of the kids’ faces, since they were minors and prisoners.  It was one of those “now you tell me!” moments.  So I had to get a little creative.  I found these soldiers standing on the side in uniform.  They came to watch the ceremony and were facing the flag.

I figured out that there would be a fly over because there was a man in uniform in the parking lot talking on a radio about timing and formations.  Fortunately, the planes they used for the flyover were WWII planes, which meant they were slow and loud, so I could hear them coming.  I sat down on the ground and looked up, making sure to fit all three soldiers and both flags in the frame, and the planes cooperated beautifully.

It was a very nice ceremony and I recommend it to anyone, veteran or not.  It was very respectful, which I hope I reflected in my photo.

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