Category Archive: Art Photography

Art photography and things having to do with art photography

One quiet moment

One quiet moment

Last week I went with 15 teenagers and 4 other adults to Galveston on a church youth mission trip. There was a lot of craziness and …


He taught me how to drive-by

He taught me how to drive-by

Well, he didn’t teach me, but he certainly facilitates it.  Nick, my husband, always drives when we travel.  And I always bring a camera.  This …


Plug it in

Plug it in

Well, I’ve been avoiding it a bit, but the truth is, this HDR (High Dynamic Range) editing technique is kind of catching on.  I’ll …


Stuff and Junk

Stuff and Junk

Alright, as promised here are more shots from my trip to Salado. Salado is an interesting place for a photographer.  It’s a small town …


A leap of faith

A leap of faith

I thought it fitting that I post some photos today from a day trip I took to Salado with my friend and fellow photographer, Nan …