© 2010 Ashley Landis Piano0548edited

One quiet moment

Last week I went with 15 teenagers and 4 other adults to Galveston on a church youth mission trip.

There was a lot of craziness and a lot of work and a whole lot of sweat.  I captured some snap shots along the way as our kids worked and played, but if you’ve ever been on a trip like this, you know there’s not a lot of quiet time.

We stayed in the finished basement of an unfinished church for the week.  The church, as was most of the island, was wiped out by Hurricane Ike about 2 years ago and is still in the process of being rebuilt.

I was walking around downstairs and heard a piano above my head, so I grabbed my camera and braved the giant mosquitoes to see what was happening.

I found Aaron, one of the staff members, playing a piano and singing in an empty room, which will be the sanctuary of the church.  It was one of those rare moments when I forgot how sleep deprived I was and just felt like myself again with a camera in my hands.

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