© 2010 Ashley Landis _DSC3929

A leap of faith

I thought it fitting that I post some photos today from a day trip I took to Salado with my friend and fellow photographer, Nan Dickson.  That’s Nan at the top of the post.

I recently took a huge leap of faith.  I quit my staff photographer position at the newspaper and I’m now on my own.  My full time job is now Photographer and Owner of Landis Images.

Nan and I met for lunch a few weekends ago and then drove around Salado to take photos of the town.  We found a couple of little chapels that were very unique.  One was  tucked behind an antique shop and had some nice statuary.  The one pictured below had beautiful colors, but it was in a very dark corner.  I held my flash as high as I could and off to my left, but the dark shadow on the right was unavoidable.  The flash brought out the colors nicely, though.

_DSC3867Also in that chapel were pews with sort of a three-leaf clover design drilled through the backs.  We could tell they were hand carved because each clover was a little bit different.  I got on my hands and knees to look through one of the clover holes and saw the crucifix, below is what I shot:

_DSC3874We found another chapel at a bed and breakfast in town.  It was tiny.  When we saw it first we thought it was a little cottage, like a kid’s playhouse.  It was covered in vines on the outside and we walked around to the front, where the door was open and this statue caught us by surprise:

_DSC3769bwThere were two small chairs in opposite corners and a little table in the middle with a Bible and a hymnal.  It was just the right size for two children.  I might have gotten more photos inside, but there wasn’t a lot room to move around and I only had a 50 mm lens.  It was such a neat place, really unique.

I will post more photos from our day trip tomorrow.  To see Nan’s photos, go to her blog here:  http://www.nandickson.blogspot.com/

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