© 2013 Ashley Landis Watson 2385 Landis

At Home with Johnny Ray Watson

A few weeks ago I went out to Bastrop to the home of gospel singer Johnny Ray Watson for the Austin American-Statesman.

Watson has been singing his whole life, but recent illness almost took away the joy in his voice.  Complications from diabetes left him with failing vision and numbness in his feet.  Kidney failure and a heart attack nearly silenced him for good.

During the shoot he told a story about recovering in the hospital and thinking he’d never sing again.  He said a few of the nurses came in and asked him to sing a song.

“I started weeping,” said Watson.  “It made them cry too.  It was very emotional.  I thought I wasn’t coming out of the hospital.  It was just that bad.”

A few years later, though, he’s still here and still singing.

It hasn’t been an easy road.  Watson endures eight hours of dialysis every night, and will continue treatment until he can get a kidney transplant.

He stood next to the family Bible and showed me the process he goes through on a nightly basis.

It was an honor for me to meet Watson and some of his family, who live with him and his wife.  I felt like one of the family as they talked and laughed and played together.

If you’ve never heard Watson sing, click on the link below.  He has a deep, soulful voice and pure heart for ministry.

Thank you, Watson family, for allowing me in your home and being so open.  It’s days like that and people like you who make me believe this is not just a job, but a calling.

Click here to read the story, see more photos and see video of Watson singing.

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