© 2013 Ashley Landis Picnic 9170 Landis

Extreme Picnicking

I’m sure all of your 4th of July picnics looked just like this one.

The Statesman sent me out to the Long Center for the Performing Arts to photograph a group of picnickers not too long ago.  They meet there on the lawn for a potluck meal during the summer concert series.

They prove that old saying, “if you’re going to do something, do it right!”

I arrived there and was immediately welcomed by Dalra Alvarez, the group’s ringleader.  She and everyone else there made it feel like family.

Minute-by-minute people would appear with new tasty dishes and bottles of wine.  They’d grab a plate and eat with friends on blankets strewn out on the lawn.

Passers by would stop and see the massive spread and say something like, “Oh, I want to be part of their party!”  Darla would wave them on and say, “Come join us!”

It was a lovely evening to photograph.  Here are a few of my favorite images of the picnickers and the concert.

Click here to read the story about extreme picnicking by Addie Broyles, and see more pictures.

Click here to read a blog post about picnicking by Addie Broyles (includes recipes).