© 2012 Ashley Landis Stillwell-6297-Landis

Election pool table side

Just like most journalists in the country yesterday, I was covering the elections.

I was sent by the Statesman to Fast Eddie’s pool hall in Cedar Park to cover democrat candidates Matt Stillwell, who ran for State Representative, and Ken Crain, who ran for Williamson County District Attorney.

I know what you’re thinking, you were expecting to read that I was covering the presidential election, holed up on a private jet with a large press pool.  No, that’s not the case.  Political reporting isn’t my specialty, so I was happy to just help out where I could.  Besides, it’s only a select few of us who have those kind of opportunities.  Many more photojournalists end up in situations like mine.

Anyway, I got to Fast Eddie’s a few minutes before polls closed at 7 p.m. to set up a laptop before the candidates arrived.  Early voting results came in as people started to trickle through the door and neither candidate’s numbers looked promising.

Stillwell’s family and friends greeted him as he arrived shortly after that, but he had already seen early results.  There wasn’t a whole lot of excitement, but still some anticipation as they waited for the rest of the results.

Crain came in much later, closer to when the final results arrived.

By about 9:30 p.m. it was clear that neither candidate was going to win, so Stillwell gave a thank you speech and called it a night.

I was on my way home by 10 p.m. and I arrived in plenty of time to watch the end of the presidential election results.

Click here to see the Statesman’s (and my) election photo coverage.