© 2012 Ashley Landis Chef-Camp-0911-Landis

Kids in the Kitchen

One of the best things about working during the summer is going to camp.  Kids get to do the most fun things at camp, and I love capturing those things.

A few weeks ago I went to Faraday’s Chef Camp for the Statesman.

Most of the time I wait until my photos are published before posting them on my blog, but this assignment is for next summer’s camp guide, scheduled to publish in Feb. 2013.  I’m hoping you forget about these photos by then and enjoy them in Feb. like you’ve never seen them before.

Anyway,  if you know me, you know I’m no wiz in the kitchen.  These kids, who were all between the ages of 7 and 12, surpassed my kitchen skills in the first 3 min. or so.  They sauteed, chopped, baked, seasoned and (insert other kitchen terms here) with the skill of an iron chef.  At least that’s what it looked like to me.

They were split in to two groups – one worked on savory dishes and one on dessert.  They made paella, jerk chicken, steak pizza, sweet pear bread, mini plum pies, berry tarts and home made mint cordials, all in the span of about 2 hours.

Then they ate.

Alright, it’s lunch time, so let’s get to the photos of food.

Thanks for letting me hang out in the kitchen!

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