© 2011 Ashley Landis website

Web site upgrades

I’ve been wanting to update my portfolio for a long time now.  A really long time.

My old portfolio was about 6 years old, and to give you some perspective, that’s about how long I’ve been out of college.  Since then I feel I’ve grown leaps and bounds from an unsure college PhotoJ major to a more-sure professional.  Plus, I’ve just had so many more opportunities to make good photos.

So a few weeks ago, with the encouragement of a friend, I committed myself to actually updating my portfolio.

I took the old one off immediately and then went to work.  I keep a working portfolio in the form of a folder on my desk top.  Every time I really like one of my shots, I throw it in the folder.  So really all I had to do was sort through my stack and decide what could stay and what needed to go.

Then I had to do the hardest part – finding my cutlines.  Most of my photos in the past few years have file info, but if I went back a few years, before I thought I needed to save the cutline in the metadata, things got a little messier.  Thank goodness for online newspaper archives!

Anyway, once everything was chosen, I re-sized, re-cropped, re-edited and re-considered.  Then I handed everything over to my web master (my husband), who made it all work.

Here’s a screen shot of my online portfolio as it is right now: Each thumbnail goes to a gallery with selections of my work.  I may add other categories later, but this is what I’ve settled on this time.  Here’s what it looks like when you click through each gallery:

Another upgrade I implemented was changing the home page photo.  Before it depicted two boys who were having fun at the pool, doing things little boys do.  I switched that image for a group of images.  A random photo from that list will show up when you go to the home page.  The screen shot at the top is an example of that.

So click here, knock yourself out, refresh to your heart’s delight!  See if you can count how many photos are in the list of randomness!

By the way, it’s all in html (I got rid of the Flash portfolio), so by all means, look at it on your mobile device!

(And just in case you’re looking for a URL, it’s www.landisimages.com)

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