© 2010 Ashley Landis goose_DSC0289

One of the geese

It’s getting warm enough to start going to the river.

I shot this photo a few weeks ago when I was out feature hunting.  I went to Rio Vista Falls, which is a popular spot in the San Marcos River where a lot of people like to swim and kayak.  On that day there were several college students out enjoying the nice weather.

When I walked up to the water I noticed a goose swimming near a girl and she started petting it.  I thought it was odd, but thought maybe it was her pet.  Then other people started to pet the goose.  Finally I asked around to find out whose goose it was.  A man said that the goose is wild, but just friendly.

I watched for a while and then the goose came and sat down on a rock with a group of guys.  They treated the goose just like one of the guys.  They talked to it and patted it on the head and didn’t think it was at all odd that they were hanging out with a goose.

I’ve been back to Rio Vista several times since then and haven’t seen the goose again.