© 2009 Ashley Landis jackson

Thrilling Tribute

Texas Southern University’s marching band, Ocean of Soul, thrilled Bobcat Stadium audiences on Saturday night with a half time tribute to Michael Jackson. The show included three Jackson impersonators, one who represented the 1970s, one for the 1980s and this monster-faced Thriller dancer for the 1990s.

Every year Texas State plays Texas Southern and every year Texas Southern’s band blows away the Texas State audience.  The “Ocean of Soul” is one of the loudest, most fun marching bands I’ve ever seen.

You could tell this Michael Jackson tribute show was one they really enjoyed performing.  The three Michael Jackson impersonators did a great job, their dancing was great.

Most of the time when I shoot a Texas State football game, I have to leave at the start of half time to go back to the office to finish Sunday’s paper.  This time, I sat down on the 50 yard line and stayed for half time.

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