© 2013 Ashley Landis Pasta 2924 Landis

Lotsa Pasta

A while back the Statesman sent me to the Italian restaurant Olive & June to capture a pasta making lesson.

Statesman food writer Addie Broyles and her son, Julian, 6, joined restaurant owner and chef Shawn Cirkiel and his son, Noah, 9, to make fresh pasta from scratch.

When I arrived they were preparing the dough in the kitchen.

When the ingredients were mixed, they prepared the pasta machine and rolled out the dough to a thin sheet.

The next step was to shape raviolis.  Cirkiel demonstrated three ways to create stuffed pasta – with a mold, hand cutting, and folding the dough around the filling.

They also made bucatini, a spaghetti-like pasta, with what I can only describe as a giant play-dough press.  Anyone know the real term for that?  I’ve forgotten since the shoot.

When they were finished, the boys put their pasta creations on a tray and took it to the kitchen to be cooked.

Finally, time to taste the fruits of their labor!  They let me sample too.  It was delicious!

It was a fun, messy, giggly assignment.  So glad I got to do it!

Click here to read the story by Addie Broyles.

Click here to see more photos.