© 2010 Ashley Landis Thacker9495edited1bw

Portraits are hard

This is Nick.  He’s graduating from Texas State University on Saturday and he wanted me to take some portraits of him.  He’s a friend of mine, so I said okay and we went to shoot some portraits.

I don’t usually shoot portraits, it’s not my favorite thing to do, but every photographer will tell you, when you have a good model, or at least a fearless one, it makes things easier.  Nick wasn’t exactly fearless, but he was willing to trust me when I told him to do something.

Obviously I didn’t tell him to do anything outrageous, but it might seem odd that I shot mostly with one camera body and one, 50mm lens.  No lights, no reflectors, no fancy tools, just the camera.  Most photographers will also tell you that when you do that, unless God happens to bless you with perfect lighting that day, you have to do a lot of editing.

I did a bit of editing on Nick’s shots, but, like I said before, I don’t usually shoot portraits, so it was an adventure and a learning process.  In the end, I think they came out decently and Nick loved them.  He told me, “you don’t have to be afraid of portraits anymore.”

Here are 2 more shots:

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