© 2011 Ashley Landis Kayak-Polo-5465-Landis

Pan American Kayak Polo

Over the weekend I spent some time at Rio Vista Falls in San Marcos shooting the Pan American Kayak Polo Championships.  Teams from the U.S., Canada and Brazil were represented, as well as community teams.

This was one of those rare cases where I didn’t have an official assignment, I just shot it because I enjoy shooting kayak polo.  It has great action, splashes of water and competition, plus hanging out beside a beautiful river is a nice way to spend an afternoon.

I took my 200-400mm f4 and was able to get in tight on the action.  Before I get to that, though, here’s a wide shot of the “court.”

Not bad for a sports venue!

Here’s some of that action I was talking about:

I had a great time, and I hope you enjoyed the photos.  Thanks for looking!


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