© 2011 Ashley Landis GeorgetownVFW2421Landis

Veterans’ Day in Georgetown

On Veterans’ Day I was assigned by the Statesman to go to the Georgetown VFW to shoot an annual lunch they host for veterans from the Veteran Affairs hospital in Temple.

I’ve shot several assignments at VFWs all around central Texas and they’re never easy to places to shoot.  The lighting is always bad, the furniture isn’t usually very nice, the buildings are small, but I’m never received more kindly.  I always go in to a VFW with a smile, knowing that I may not get the best photos of my career, but that I will be treated like a member of the family and an honored guest.

This time, I not only got to meet members of the VFW and the ladies auxiliary, but I got to meet dozens of veterans from Temple.  They enjoyed a hamburger and french fry lunch and then played bingo.  It was a joy to see the appreciation in that room.

After a while of shooting, I had several people insist that I sit down and eat.  Hesitantly, I set down my cameras within an arm’s length and sat down with Navy veteran Randy Hebert.  I ate quickly (I usually don’t eat during assignments), but had the chance to get to know Hebert a little bit.  He was a ship photographer and he told me about shooting every happening on board and how he enjoyed using Hasselblad cameras and having his own dark room and enlarger.

It was a great time, but soon it was time for the veterans to leave and for me to edit photos.  Here are some images that I got that day.

The Georgetown VFW won an award for community service.  Click here to read Claire Osborn’s story.


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