© 2011 Ashley Landis CLHSvLehman0028Landis

It’s the most wonderful time of the year

Yep, that’s right – FOOTBALL SEASON!

It’s hot.  It’s sweaty.  I have to carry a lot of equipment and send photos from a laptop in the bleachers.  But it’s a pretty good way to make a living, if I do say so myself!

On Thursday night I went out to the Lehman High School vs. Canyon Lake High School scrimmage in Kyle for the New Braunfels Herald Zeitung.

I rented a 300mm f2.8 lens to try it out and see what I thought.  (I’m still debating about which I should buy – the 300 f2.8 or the 200-400 f4.)  I liked it, but honestly, I don’t think I couldn’t have gotten the shots I got by standing 5 yards closer with my 80-200mm f2.8.  I’m leaning toward the 200-400 f4 instead.

Anyway, it was your typical scrimmage.  Everyone played, no one kept score.  Lots of fumbles!

I also caught a nice sequence of a sack/fumble.

And to celebrate the start of football season, here’s a celebration shot:

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