© 2011 Ashley Landis SBK_0711_TexasOldTown_6440_Landis2

Ghost town

(The top photo with the ghost cowboy and horse are mostly for your entertainment…and to show off my superb stick figure drawing skills.)

Earlier this summer I went out to Texas Old Town in Kyle. I was sent out there to shoot the facilities, which included at least three event halls and ceremony site, an outdoor stage, a few streams and plenty of landscaping.

I got there and the owner was extremely nice and had great stories of how he came in to the event business. He built the whole place himself and originally wanted it to be an old fashioned dance hall, but people kept asking if they could use it for weddings. Eventually he gave up on his dream of having a western town with a dance hall and embraced the idea of having large celebrations on his property.

Though he was not in the least shy about talking about Texas Old Town, he wasn’t interested in being in front of the camera.

What did that leave me with on a week day morning? Basically a ghost town. A beautiful ghost town, but a ghost town none-the-less.

So I wandered around the property taking photos of the buildings inside and out, with a few detail shots mixed in.

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