© 2011 Ashley Landis Hamilton2772

Ms. Hamilton the society lady

Yesterday I met the lovely Ms. Lucille Hamilton.

She’s 106-years-old and the newest addition to my centenarian project.  She’s the daughter of a sharecropper and spent 4 generations employed by Christilles family as a housekeeper and babysitter.

Contrary to the situation of some African Americans in the south then, Ms. Hamilton was treated very well by the Christilles family.  She always wore the finest clothes and shopped at upscale department stores during her time off.  She was a member of the Winchester Society and her family treasures photos of her in evening gowns at lavish parties.

“She was a real society lady,” said her niece, Maggie Hart.

Ms. Hamilton was recently voted prom queen at the facility where she lives in Seguin.  She was able to relive those fancy parties once more as they crown her with a tiara.

She had a huge impact on the Christilles family.  They still visit and send flowers on holidays, though Ms. Hamilton has been retired for many years.

Ms. Hamilton can’t hear very well, but her mind is sharp.  It was a bit of a challenge to interview and photograph her.  Most of the centenarians I include in my project can take care of themselves for the most part, but Ms. Hamilton needed a lot of aid to tell her story.  Still, she will be a great addition.