© 2011 Ashley Landis Ohio7260

Another way of life

Last week we were in Ohio visiting family from the Landis side.

I’ve only ever lived in suburban Texas and it’s fascinating to me to see how other people live.  Grandma Landis and her family lived on a dairy farm until her children moved away and she sold the farm.  We were lucky enough to make a trip out to that farm with her.

Grandma Landis is the beautiful young lady in the top photo.  She was shy about getting her photo taken that day, but I snapped one when she wasn’t looking.  Behind her is a smaller storage barn near her old house.  One of Grandma’s daughters, Becky, told me a few stories about how she always had to milk the cows and how they grew corn and sold it on the side of the road when she was growing up.

One of the most unusual things about the farm is that it has several springs.  This helped in a lot of ways with farm life in Ohio.  The most important was to keep the milk cold.  Becky said they would fill up the milk containers and put them in the spring house, a little building that the cold spring water flowed through, until the milk man came.  Here’s what it looks like on the inside:

Unfortunately, the weather wasn’t very good that day, so it started to rain soon after we arrived.  If you look closely, you can see rain drops in this photo of the old spring house and farm house.

Hopefully next time we’ll be able to take Grandma Landis out to the farm again.  And maybe next time she won’t be so shy.

(P.S. – Sorry about the delay on Friday’s post.  We didn’t have internet access or cell phone coverage where we were.  Yes, those places still do exist.  Thank you for your patience!)

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