© 2010 Ashley Landis icefountain


It doesn’t get cold enough to freeze anything here very often.  In fact, I’ve been here for five years and I could count the subfreezing days on one hand.

Last week we had one of those rare cold days, but we didn’t get any precipitation, nor did anyone conveniently leave their sprinklers on so I could photograph the ice.  But one restaurant in town was happy to ablige.

Palmer’s restaurant leaves their fountain on every time it freezes over night because they know what will happen.  They have a stone fountain in the middle of a small courtyard that creates icicles when it freezes.  The restaurant is at a busy intersection, but the vine-covered courtyard with the frozen fountain creates a completely different world.

I went over to Palmer’s before they opened and asked if I could take pictures of their fountain and, luckily, they agreed.  Here’s one of the shots I got from standing on the edge of the fountain and looking down.

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