© 2013 Ashley Landis AL3_0203

UIL State Soccer

Last week I spent two days at the UIL State Soccer tournament in Georgetown.  I shot six games for the Dallas Morning News, two games for the Austin American-Statesman, and all of those games were also for 1st Photo Texas for UIL.

All eight of the games I covered on Thurs. and Fri. were semi-finals.  I didn’t stick around for the finals on Saturday because I chose to attend a friend’s wedding instead.

Soccer is always a wild card.  Not as much as some sports, I mean, at least these athletes run around and make contact with the ball, but still, it’s not exactly a high-scoring sport.  Then you add in factors like a very large field that requires a telescope of a lens (I used a 200-400mm f4) to cover, and unpredictable spring weather…well, it’s not exactly football.  …You know what I mean.

There was some rain on Thurs. morning as a cool front moved in, but only a short shower during the game.  Then the temperature dropped to the 50s and the north wind blew.  The weather got better on Fri., and thank goodness there were no game delays!

All of the games were successful and on time for the most part.  Working there at the Georgetown High School football stadium is nice.  A large press box with plenty of room, and the staff there takes care of us well.

Anyway, let’s get to the pictures.  Here are a few that stood out to me.

Thanks for your patience lately on the blog, it’s been a very busy spring!

Click here to view more soccer photos.


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