© 2013 Ashley Landis IMG_4432

Instagraming in Chicago

Back in January I saw a call for entries for a sports photography exhibit at the Chicago Photography Center.  The show, entitled “SCORE!”, was to feature Chicago Tribune photographer (and one of my favorites) Scott Strazzante, who would also jury the show.

I sent in three photos from past coverage of the Texas Water Safari, thinking they probably wouldn’t have a lot of kayaking entries.  Two of my images were chosen for the show and were displayed with about 40 others during the month of March.  (Click here to read a review of SCORE!)

I had never been to Chicago, so I used this show as an excuse to take a weekend and get away.

I brought a camera with me, but I’ve been working a lot lately, and, well, I just didn’t want to carry around gear on my days off.  Also, it’s cold in Chicago!  I wanted my hands in my pockets, not clutching a giant dslr.  So I turned to my trusty iPhone to capture a few memories.

Since I was in Chicago with an iPhone, my first thought was to try my hand at one of the things Scott Strazzante is so good at – street photography.  (Click here to see an example of his work.)  As I walked the streets and rode in taxis and buses, I saw how street photography could become a small obsession.  The wide range of people and scenery in Chicago is so different from what I see here.  I’ll admit I wasn’t as quick on the draw as I probably needed to be, but here are a few of the images I was happy with.

Since SCORE! started this whole adventure, we spent some time at the Chicago Photography Center on Saturday.  It was a great experience!  They have some gallery space, classroom space, studio space, dark rooms, an old bank vault (that they use as a studio) and a fantastic after school program.

It was so great to see what an amazing resource the CPC is!  Really, if you’re looking for a worth-while place to contribute to, the CPC is the place!

Anyway, we took a few photos while we were there:

While we were in the windy city, we did some sight-seeing and visited a couple of the most popular places.  We ate Chicago-style pizza, saw a comedy show at Second City, went to Millennium Park to see Cloud Gate (aka The Bean) and visited the Museum of Science and Industry.  We even saw a bit of snow as we were leaving.

It was nice to get out of town and see a new place.  I can’t wait to go back when it’s warmer!

Click here to follow me on Instagram and see more photos!


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