© 2012 Ashley Landis TxSt-9153-Landis

A Successful Loss

On Saturday I spent the afternoon and evening at Bobcat Stadium in San Marcos for the Statesman.

Texas State University played Texas Tech in a sold-out Bobcat home opener.  The final score was Tech 58, Tx St 10.

On any other day, it would have been a terrible loss for the Bobcats, but none of the 33,006 fans left unhappy.  Most of them were just glad to have a seat.  Thousands of seats were added as part of a huge $34 million stadium expansion, which debuted on Saturday.

The renovations were the highlight of the day.  I arrived at 3:30 p.m. (kick-off was 6 p.m.) to get some shots of fans tailgating and waiting outside the improved stadium.

As I walked around, I noticed that there was a new bookstore location at the stadium, and a Strutters’ Gallery, highlighting the history of the Texas State dance team.

Then it was time for the gates to open, so I followed some students in to the stadium.  It was great to see them take their first glimpse at their new stadium.  One girl walked in and looked back and forth, puzzled.  While her friends oohhed and aawwed, she said, “The only thing I care about is where is the Marble Slab?!”

As fans streamed in, I kept shooting.

I rushed back up to the press box to transmit and finished just before pre-game.  Back down to the field for the national anthem.

Finally it was time for the game to start.  The Statesman requested photos early, so I shot the first quarter and a few min. of the second, then went back upstairs.  I came back to the field for more action after half time, but my best shots were in the first round of action.

Here are a few of my favorite action shots.

At the end of the game, the crowd cleared and I sent in my photos, but like I said, no one left unhappy.  Statesman reporter Suzanne Halliburton quoted Texas State head coach Dennis Franchione  – “This was a tremendous evening for our community,” Franchione said. “I wished we could’ve played better.”

Click here to read Suzanne Halliburton’s game story.

Click here to see more photos.




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