© 2012 Ashley Landis base_5972

UIL Baseball State Championships

Whew, it’s been a crazy couple of weeks.  I feel like the world should slow down a bit so I can catch up!  More about that in coming posts (I hope), but for now, let’s talk baseball.

At the 2012 UIL Baseball State Championships I shot six games in two days (6/6/12 and 6/7/12) at Dell Diamond in Round Rock for 1st Photo Texas/UIL.  I was there for four games the first day and two games the second day, all of which were semi-finals.

It was hot and humid and sunny and rainy, seemingly all at the same time.  Those long days can blur together I suppose.  Since I only shot semi-final games I didn’t get to capture the huge emotional reaction to winning or losing that I would normally get shooting during the final round, but there was still plenty of action.

I moved all over the stadium – the media areas at first and third, both dugouts, the front row at the edge of the net, all areas of the concourse, the outdoor seating area of a luxury box, everywhere they would let me – to try to get a good shot and escape from the weather.

The first basemen seemed to have the most to do, almost as much as the pitcher.  I ended up pointing my lens at first quite a bit.  There and home plate.  I caught a couple of exciting errors at home.  Anyway, I’m never really sure what to say when it comes to baseball, so I’ll let my photos speak this time.

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