© 2012 Ashley Landis AL1_1009

UIL State Softball

Last week I spent some time at Red & Charline McCombs Field shooting UIL State Softball Championships for 1st Photo Texas/UIL.

Unlike some of the other UIL championship tournaments, I was not there all day every day.  Softball is played outside in the heat, which isn’t something to joke about here in central Texas.

I shot six games, four of which were consecutive.  By the fourth game, my reflexes were so slow that it was difficult to get any game action.  Even with plenty of water, cool clothing and several breaks, being out in the heat all day can really mess with your brain.

I did my best to pace myself and find good vantage points that were in the shade.  I stood in the dugout when I could, sat at the top of the bleachers in a small patch of shade, stood next to the TV guys, who have umbrellas posted over their cameras, anywhere to keep the sun off.

While I was there I saw many photog friends, old and new.  That always helps to perk me up a bit.

Despite the heat, I ended up with many many many photos.  Here are a few of my favorites:

UIL State Baseball is this week at the Dell Diamond in Round Rock, with a few games played at Disch-Falk Field.  I’ll be shooting at Dell for the first few days, then I’ll be following the Texas Water Safari later this week in to next.  Fun times ahead!

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