© 2012 Ashley Landis UTbase-9482-Landis

Longhorn Baseball Re-run

On Saturday I covered the third of three Texas v. Baylor baseball games for the Statesman.

I started shooting near first base, stayed for three innings and went up to the press box to send in a few shots.  Then came back down, shot from third for an inning and moved behind home plate.  At the top of the eighth, I thought about the last time I shot UT baseball, and how I got a great shot from first base of the game-winning run.  I moved back over there, thinking, there’s no way it would happen twice, but it’s worth a try.

Texas won 2-1, after Texas’ Jonathan Walsh dove in to home plate, narrowly avoiding a tag by Baylor’s Ryan Smith, who dropped the ball (literally).  It was almost identical to the game-winning play during the Texas/A&M game (the last game I shot), down to the same Texas player diving to the same base with the same opponent error.  It was even the same score.  (Click here to see photos and read more about that game.)

Here’s a sequence of images from that play:

That was luck, for me and for Texas.  It was like the Texas/A&M game was practice for this one.  For me it just meant a couple of good action shots.  For Texas, the win meant a much better shot at the NCAA tournament.

Here are a few images from the rest of the game.

Click here for the game story by Mark Rosner.

Click here for game commentary by Cedrick Golden.

Click here for more game photos.



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