© 2012 Ashley Landis Southwest-Key-7235-Landis

Southwest Key Slide

A few weeks ago I shot a ribbon cutting at Southwest Key Social Enterprise Complex in east Austin for the Statesman.

I hadn’t shot a ribbon cutting ceremony in a while, and, truth be told, they’re usually not very exciting to shoot.  People stand at a podium and talk until everyone poses together behind a ribbon and smiles for the camera.

This one was a little more exciting.  There were performances, a Native American blessing, tours of the new facility, activities for kids, and the best part – a slide made for adults!

I’m going to skip to the slide first, and show you the rest of the pictures later.  The slide was inside the office building, and was built to be a creative and convenient way for employees to get from one office area to another.  Apparently Southwest Key planners studied corporate offices like Facebook and Apple, and they wanted their office to function similarly.  So the slide idea was born.

Each tour group got to try out the slide, which had plexiglass windows on the top.  I stayed at the top and looked down.

I was last in my group to try out the slide, but I gathered my two cameras and my bag on my lap and enjoyed every second!  Then I took another couple shots at the bottom when a few people went for round 2.

Alright, back to the other photos.  Like I said, there were performers, speakers, a blessing, the cutting of the ribbon and tours.  Here are a few of my favorites.

Southwest Key Community Center offers classes to further education for area residents and help find jobs.  It is part of a national non-profit.


One Trackback

  1. […] this week for a public forum put on by LULAC related to Prop 1 and he took the opportunity to ride our inter-office slide which goes from the third floor to the second floor of our Social Enterprise Complex. Senator […]

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