© 2012 Ashley Landis IncenseMaker7193

The Incense Maker

In February I went to Smithville to shoot Keridwyn Hershberger, owner of Devonshire Incense and Soap Company, for the Houston Chronicle.

You know when you have one of those days where everything just seems to come together?  This was one of those days.  I had a great subject with a great story who was doing something visual, an interesting and naturally lit location, plenty of time and my equipment worked as it should.  It was just an all-around positive experience.

Keridwyn (I love her name, by the way) was a joy to work with.  She was willing to show me every step of what she does in the most calming manner.  Plus, the ingredients she works with are wonderfully fragrant.  They set a nice tone for the assignment.

She makes incense, soap and candles from raw ingredients in her shop in down town Smithville.  She recently moved in there after losing her home and shop to wildfire in Bastrop last year.  The fire was so bad, she said, that when she was allowed to return, she and her father, who lived on the same property, had trouble even finding where the buildings used to stand.  She lost all of her equipment, her home and her pet goat.

Keridwyn’s father started the company in the 60’s and recently turned it over to her.  They’ve made incense for temples, churches, even the Vatican.

Anyway, let’s get to the photos.  Here are some of my favorite images that I captured while she worked.

 Click here for Louis B. Parks’ story and more photos.

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  1. By What a wonderful world » 2012 – News & Features on December 17, 2012 at 10:15 pm

    […] 1) The Incense Maker […]

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