© 2011 Ashley Landis Wurstfest1757Landis

The Wurst(fest) post

Over the weekend Nick and I went to Wurstfest in New Braunfels.  It was our first time to the German festival, so we weren’t sure what to expect.

I learned there are a lot of essentials to Wurstfest.  The first two are lots of sausage and lots of beer.  Almost everyone walks around with either a pitcher of beer or a sausage on a stick.

Another essential is traditional German clothing, a.k.a lederhosen and dirndl.

And, of course, paired with traditional clothing are traditional (and not so traditional) funny hats.

But what most people come to Wurstfest for is to listen to the oompah of polka music.  Some bands were traditional, like master yodeler Kerry Christensen, and some were more like rock n roll polka, like the Alex Meixner Band.  They all have one thing in common – the accordion.

The last thing you need for Wurstfest is dancing.  Dancing to songs like “The Chicken Dance” and “More Beer!”  The best place to get photos of these crazed polka fans is right up front.  Luckily, when you’re petite and have a large camera, they automatically assume that you’re supposed to be up front and getting through the crowd is fairly easy.

We spent the afternoon and part of the evening at Wurstfest, and we had a good time.  It runs through Nov. 13 if you want to check it out.  Click here for more info.


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