© 2011 Ashley Landis Lockhart1852Landis

On the offensive

Last week I was at Burger Stadium to shoot Lockhart High School v. Travis High School for the Statesman.

The photos were supposed to go with a story about the Lockhart’s new coach and new offensive strategy.  They told me to get two players offensive in particular, so as soon as I got there I did my best to identify the players.

It turned out that one of the players they needed was injured and not playing that night.  The other player had been put on defense that night.  I called the reporter up in the press box and asked him what to do.  He said as long as I focused on offense, it should be okay.

So I spent the rest of the time shooting mostly offense action, staying close to the sideline to get some shots of the head coach.

And one defensive near interception…

Click here to read the Statesman’s game story.